Thursday, February 11, 2010

Anna-Lisa Smile

I just love how God works! I recently attended the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association 2010 Annual Cattle Industry convention in San Antonio and met the most amazing acquaintances. After becoming friends on Facebook, I discovered that one of them has a blog (the joy of technology!).

She hit the nail on the head with her latest post-
“Perception vs. Reality is not only a battle in my attempting to weed out the bad guys, it's a battle on every field in every arena of our lives. How are we perceived?

When I was in the Word this morning I ran across a wonderful passage in James. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.~ James 1:22.

Are you perceived as a follower by every interaction that you have with others? Am I? Maybe if we do what the Word says and not only listen to it, other's perceptions of us will be our reality.

I am reminded of the song "They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love". The Word tells us to love on people, in fact he says, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. 1 John 3:23.

One of my gifts from the Lord is the desire to love on people. I love to help people, care for people, guide people and really just love on others. So much so that often I fall behind on what I need to be doing for me, i.e. cleaning the house etc.

It is my hope that when I love on others they will see the Lord's light in me. They will see that He is the center of my being and that only By HIS Grace, am I me.

Do others know you are a Christian? Do they notice your behavior? How are you perceived? I would encourage you to think about this and truly seek to do what the Word says. Make the Lord the center of every conversation and a guest at every table. Exceed perception and strive to exceed expectation. Remember that it is By His Grace...”

I encourage you to check out her blog at

Happy Trails & God Bless! To contact Kristen with questions or comments, email her at

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